Blog: Pet care

How to Stop Seizures in Dogs Immediately: Emergency Actions to Take

Posted by Adam. 0 comments

Seeing your dog have a seizure can be absolutely terrifying. One moment, they're fine - then suddenly, they collapse, twitch, or freeze up, completely unresponsive. It's hard to know what to do in the moment, but staying calm is key. 🤌

Seizures happen for all sorts of reasons, from epilepsy to low blood sugar or even something your dog might have eaten. While it's always a shock, knowing how to handle a seizure can help keep your pup safe and prevent further harm.

In this detailed guide, we'll cover what to do during and after a seizure, how to stop seizures in dogs immediately, when to call the vet, and how to reduce the risk of future episodes.

What are dog seizures?

A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain. This can cause a range of physical reactions, from full-body convulsions to brief moments of disorientation. Some dogs collapse and shake violently, while others simply stare blankly or lose control of their movements.

Seizures can vary in length and severity. Some last only a few seconds, while others go on for minutes and leave your dog confused or unsteady afterwards.

What does a dog seizure look like?

Seizures can be dramatic and distressing to witness, especially if you've neve